Charles Dickens Was a Whatever

Welcome Back to Random Explanations, in which I try to explain a matter, answer a question, or concoct a theory based on a reader's suggestion. I've had to take a few weeks off from this feature because of exams and graduation, but I'm back with one last Christmas-themed Random Explanation: What is the most underrated Christmas movie?

First of all, we need to define "Christmas movie." I came across a list online of the Top 20 Greatest Holiday Movies or something of that nature and it included A Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph, and others alongside movies like It's a Wonderful Life. But Charlie Brown et al. are not movies; they are Christmas specials. To be a Christmas movie, it needs to be a feature length film that was released in theaters. Is Charlie Brown Christmas so great that it transcends the broadcast confines and deserves to be on a list of Best Christmas Movies? Undoubtedly. But it's the exception and we're getting sidetracked.

I should also point out that a Christmas movie should be, largely, centered on Christmas. It is not enough to simply be set at Christmas. I know some people who argue that Die Hard is the best Christmas movie. I'm sorry but that just doesn't work. If Hans Gruber was holding the actual Santa hostage while mulling whether to cheat on Emma Thompson, then maybe we could hash it out (yes, I did just conflate two Christmas-set Alan Rickman movies; you can call it Die Love Actually). But basically, Christmas has to be front and center and not just window dressing.

Let me also specify what I mean by underrated. I am looking for a film with under appreciated greatness. This immediately eliminates It's a Wonderful Life, which is largely (and rightly) agreed to be the Yule-film champion. It also cannot be a movie that is aired on TV frequently during this time like A Christmas Story (this is going to be unpopular: but a hugely overrated film in my opinion) or Elf (a funny movie that has easily nabbed Best Christmas Movie for our young century). And though it does not air as much these days, I sadly have to eliminate Home Alone. It's too much of a cultural touchstone for people my age and also held the title of highest grossing live action comedy for many years.

Gosh, Chris, just get to your answer.

Okay, fine. It's The Muppet Christmas Carol and it's not even close. It's a Muppet movie, so there is something for everyone. Cute characters for the little ones?  Check. Smart meta humor for the adults? Check. Festive original music that you don't mind having stuck in your head? Check. "One More Sleep 'Til Christmas" may be one of my sister's favorite Christmas songs.

It's even got good non-Muppet acting. Michael Caine is just perfect as Ebenezer Scrooge. When I read the phrase "Bah humbug," I hear Caine's grumpy uttering. Also, do you realize that over his career, Caine worked for Batman and was Kermit the Frog's boss? That's a career to be proud of. Sure, he has an Academy Award and is Christopher Nolan's muse, but, come on: Kermit and Batman.

But the movie's masterstroke? Gonzo the Great playing Charles Dickens. The entire movie is narrated by the long-nosed Whatever alongside Rizzo the Rat. Throughout the movie, they tell the story and argue over the powers of omniscient third person narrators. It is brilliantly hilarious. I choose to believe that the actual Charles Dickens was a Muppet.

I have no idea why this movie is not on every single day throughout December, but it should be. It is both fun and funny. Like Dickens' original tale, there is an underlying darkness that prevents things from getting too saccharine. Yet it ultimately fills you with that cheerful holiday spirit which is all you can really ask from a Christmas movie. It may even be the best post-Jim Henson Muppet movie. I'd argue that it is at least in the conversation with Jason Segel's The Muppets. So if you're looking for a good festive flick, do yourself a favor and check out The Muppet Christmas Carol: the most underrated Christmas movie.

If you would like to ask a question for a future Random Explanation, you can ask me here or on Twitter.

Christmas Cram Sessions

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