I Write This from the Boat

I Write This from the Boat

Matthew 14:22-33
Gospel Reading for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost (Year A)

I don't know if I could really do it. In my heart of hearts, I hope I would. If white supremacists marched into town, would I stand in their way? Would I boldly and non-violently protest their hatred? If Charlottesville happened in Nashville, would I stand arm in arm with my brothers and sisters of all races?

Showing that solidarity is what Jesus calls us to do. There is no doubt about it. Racism is a scourge and a lie. It has taken the lives of countless people and held down exponentially more. Its evil is alive and well in this country. Watching Virginia today has stomped on my heart. Yet then I remember that so many African-Americans see this ugly side of the country every day. More than that, I know that I have benefitted where others have not because of this ugly side.

I hope I would do the right thing. God, I want to do the right thing.

But these are just words. This blog post. The tweets. The Facebook statuses. The concerned conversations. The thoughts and prayers. They are all just words spoken and written from the safety of the boat. And they're not enough. They are not up to the calling that Jesus lays out for me.

And there Jesus is, standing out on the waves asking everyone to come and march upon the sea. I see brave women and men doing so. They are not always perfect. Sometimes, like Peter, they become overwhelmed by the raging waters. They stumble and fall. But by God, they are out there and that act, in this world, is some kind of miracle.

So God grant me the courage to leave the safety of the boat. I don't know where or how. Help me to listen to and watch those on the waves and learn. God, help me to do the right thing because it feels like storms are coming that are going to force that choice: to follow You on the sea or cower in safety on the deck.

I don't want to be like so many before me that claim to follow You yet their faith is just a bunch of eloquent words from the boat. I want to go out on the water to You. I want to stand for what is right even if I inevitably stumble on the sea. You will still be there to pick us up. I want to do more than write words from a boat. I don't know if I could really do it. In my heart of hearts, I hope I would.

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