

Matthew 28:16-20
Gospel Reading for Trinity Sunday (Year A)

There is so much going on in the world right now and it all can feel kind of overwhelming. Let us keep it simple and straightforward.

Jesus is with you. Always.

It’s Trinity Sunday and I am not going to strain any of our tired minds diving into the deep end of what that means. Don’t get me wrong. It’s great. Sit under the stars some evening and talk about the three-in-oneness of God the Creator, Son, and Spirit.

Here is what I find life-giving about this mystery way of being called the Trinity: it shows that God loves community. God is always in community, this divine dance. It is not good for anyone to be alone and God proves that within God’s own being.

Thus if Jesus is with us always then we are always in this divine dance with God. No matter where you are, no matter what scary things you are doing, no matter how hard things may seem we get to commune with God.

Let me repeat that: We get to commune with God. God is with us. We are with God.

Remember this: Christ is with you always. And remember that because Christ is with us we can go into the world, help people into the way of following Jesus, we can teach his way of loving God and neighbor. It may be hard. It may be scary. It may involve encountering tough things about ourselves, the world, and its broken systems. Yet Jesus is with you and with me. Always.

Here is something I have started doing to remind myself of this and it comes from an admittedly nerdy place. There is a blind warrior monk in Rogue One named Chirrut Îmwe. Throughout the movie, he repeats the mantra “I’m one with the Force. The Force is with me.” It’s a prayer and even though he walks through the literal darkest valley, he does not fear.

I found myself overwhelmed earlier today and I knew that I needed to pray but I could not find the words. I don’t know why, but I started adapting Chirrut’s prayer: “I’m with God and God is with me. I’m with God and God is with me. I’m with God and God is with me.” Because it’s true. No matter what. I am with God and God is with me. Always. Remember this. Never forget it.

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